By cleaning out your pantry, you find items that you had forgotten plus you remind yourself of things that you have. Here is a photo of the forgotten items that I found:
I also found some jello but I used it before the photo was taken. When you clean out the pantry, you save money by using food that you already have on hand.
Some people have taken up a Pantry Challenge where they just eat out of their pantry foods for a month. I didn't participate because I stock up on items when they are on sale and I clean out my pantry on a regular basis. But I like reading about their challenge. If you are interested in reading about the Pantry Challenge, here are a few blogs that are participating:
My Red Apron
Getting Ahead
Coupon Geek
The Morris Tribe
Another thing to do when you clean out your pantry is to check expirations. A lot of people don't know that many canned and boxed items have expirations. I check the expirations, throw out those that have expired, and put aside those expiring soon to either use in the next week or take to a food drive to help someone who doesn't have much (I figure things will get used more quickly there).
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