Wow, I had many new followers from last weeks Friday Follow! Welcome, everyone to my blog. I truly do appreciate everyone who follows me.
So do you want more blog followers? One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades have come up with a new event called Friday Follow. You just sign up on the linky on one of their Follow Friday posts. Then follow as many blogs from the linky as you want to and comment that you are part of Friday Follow. Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow. It is a fun way to get new followers for your blog. Give it a try!
Trendy Treehouse has a new Friday Follow List. You can sign up here.
Firday Follow, isn't it just plain wonderful? I love it. Well I will be your newest follower (at least for the moment).
I work very hard to keep what little money we have so I'm hoping you have new and improved ideas for me. I clip coupons, I read the ads, I enter give aways, I go for all the free coupons I can get plus I'm teaching one of my daycare moms how to do this too. I'll be sharing your thoughts and ideas with her.
Take care and have a great day today. God Bless!!!
Please do check out Trendy Treehouse!! I have the blog deal wise mommy but also contribute to Trendy Treehouse (under Anne) It is a great site!! We need more visitors on both!
New follower from Friday Follow! Love your blog!
Found you on Friday Follow.
Great Blog!
Stopping by from Friday Follow to say Hi! I am already a follower! ;-)
Don't forget to stop by and link up at Trendy Treehouse for more Follow Me Friday Fun!
I'm now a follower from Friday Follow! : )
Howdy Partner and welcome back for Friday Follow! I am already following and stopping over to say hello. Happy weekend!
~ Lynn
Happy belated Follow Friday! Following back!
I am following from FF, please come by and follow back. I am always excited to meet new blogger friends. I hope you had a nice weekend and Happy Monday. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog
Glad that I came to your blog!
Stopping by from Fri Follows - I'm a new follower. Love to have you stop by and appreciate your follow via twitter, facebook or rss/email:
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