I had a great time last weekend at the I_Blog Conference! While I was away, my husband and son attended the Boy Scouts District Dinner where my son was recognized for his Eagle Scout rank. They had a great time at the dinner.
Sometimes I wonder where our tax money goes. I know that taxes support many needed services. BUT I have a firm belief that if you give the government too much money that they will find a way to waste it.
So I would like to thank all the taxpayers out there for my 2 new plastic cups, pencils, and chip clips. Thanks to all of you, the Census bureau took your money and gave out **** (insert expletive) at the Boy Scout dinner. These items were given to each person that attended the dinner. So when you are clipping coupons to save a few dollars, you can be thankful that your money is being spent on plastic cups, pencils, and chip clips with Census 2010 written on them.
I've encountered this before, too. Frustrating!
Oh wow. What a waste!
Our government sucks!
Wow. But hey it saved someone's job to make those cups right? Oh wait please turn them over and check for the "Made in China". :)
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