I love taking photos! I am always looking for fun ways to share or display my photos. So I am very excited about Digital Room's 16 x 20 rolled Canvas prints. Rolled canvas prints are perfect for home decor and photo prints. Obviously, photos make a great Holiday gift and a rolled canvas print would be something special.
Do you have a teen on your gift list? Teens love photos. A 16 x 20" Rolled Canvas of a favorite photo would be a great gift idea. The photo could be of a pet, frineds, or from a vacation.
So take a moment to check out Digital Room's huge variety of printing options. Also you can read about the quality of work here at You The Designer.
Giveaway: DigitalRoom.com has generously offered to give one reader a 16 x 20" Rolled Canvas Print.
To Enter: describe what photo gifts you want to have printed for your family and loved ones.
Additional Entries: You can do any one or all of the following to earn extra entries. Please leave an additional comment for each that you have done.
• Follow my blog (see the left sidebar to sign up). Already a Follower, that counts too.
• Follow me on Twitter
Do you have a teen on your gift list? Teens love photos. A 16 x 20" Rolled Canvas of a favorite photo would be a great gift idea. The photo could be of a pet, frineds, or from a vacation.
So take a moment to check out Digital Room's huge variety of printing options. Also you can read about the quality of work here at You The Designer.
Giveaway: DigitalRoom.com has generously offered to give one reader a 16 x 20" Rolled Canvas Print.
To Enter: describe what photo gifts you want to have printed for your family and loved ones.
Additional Entries: You can do any one or all of the following to earn extra entries. Please leave an additional comment for each that you have done.
• Follow my blog (see the left sidebar to sign up). Already a Follower, that counts too.
• Follow me on Twitter
• Tweet about this giveaway and leave the link.
• Subscribe to my blog (see left sidebar to sign up). Current subscribers count too.
• Blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your post.
• Post my button on your blog and leave a link. Have my button already, that counts!
Giveaway is open to US residents only and ends on Saturday November 21st at 11:59 CST. Winner will be chosen using a random number generator. Winner will be posted on this blog and notified by email. Please make sure that you leave your email address in your comment or in your profile so I can contact you if you win. Winner has 24 hours to respond by email or a new winner will be chosen.
** Thanks to DigitalRoom.com for providing me with a 16 x 20" Rolled Canvas and for providing this giveaway**
a picture of my boys or a family picture
amalgrover at hotmail.com
Hi I'm a follower: slayerettes @ hotmail .com
We're printing photo cards for the holidays but a large family photo canvas would look great in the living room though!
A picture of my profile. slkkitchen@gmail.com
I love photo gifts. We've been doing photo Christmas cards for the past 12 years. I also love giving photo calendars to the grandparents every year.
Family pic with me, my hubby, and our sweet baby girl, Allie!
i'm a follower!!
I've been working on a photo storybook for my daughter since she loves to retell her adventures. We need to get a family portrait done soon too to share with the grandparents!
cbeargie (at) yahoo.com
I'm a follower.
I had this idea far too late but I'm going to start working on next year's now. We visit my fiance's family quite often - for every major holiday and plenty in-between. I am going to be sneaky and get pictures of all of them and put them in a photo calendar for next year's presents.
I have been coveting canvas prints for a long time now. Thank you!
I create photo books for each set of grandparents. Usually I include pictures from the year.
I have subscribed to you using Bloglines.
We've made a photo book for each of the grandparents.
I would like to have a canvas print for my sister of my nieces! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter! DesMoinesDealin scg00387 at yahoo dot com
i'm subscribed to your blog and i follow you on twitter
i subcribe to your blog and i follow you on twitter!
thanks :)
I have a photo of all of my parents' grandkids sitting on my dad's mustang in matching outfits. I'd love to have it put onto a canvas for them.
I am a follower.
My sister in law and I really want to get some good photos of our kiddos and have a nice print made for Grandma and Granddaddy's house. This would help tremendously!
We made some photo holiday cards and 8X10's and some ornaments for family gifts of my 2yr old and 1yr old this year.
Describe what photo gifts you want to have printed for your family and loved ones: My ultimate gift is a geneology book for all my family and extended family with pictures, journalling, etc... lmrubeck@aol.com
My family and I just moved from Oregon and we miss it so much! I have this photo that I took of Canon Beach that I would love to have hanging on my wall!
some ornaments and holiday cards
My gift would be to reprint the picture when my family was sealed in the Dallas Texas Temple. It was a very special day and happen 18 years ago. There is only one picture left and I have it. My mom and dad have wanted a picture forever of that day but it burned up in a fire 15 years ago. I was lucky mine was givin to me on my 12 birthday by a friend who had now past away. That is why this would be special.
I am follower of your blog. I am a follower on twitter. I also poster this on twitter. http://twitter.com/beeacutie2 and this button on my blog http://stephenandamandaodairandfamily.blogspot.com/
My brother and his wife live across the country and next time they visit we all plan to take a nice photo together since it's not often we get to see eachother. This would be great for that photo!
I subscribe!
I would use the picture that we just took of our family.
I'm wanting to blow up a picture of my oldest son snowboarding to hang in his bedroom. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I would love a poste rof my kids for the holidays
I'd like to use my son's pictures to make a calendar
I subscribe
Follow you on google friend connect!
We'd use a picture from our Mexican vacation.
my daughter just got married in may and I'd love to give them this for Christmas with their wedding photo on it.
There's a great family photo from our summer vacation that I'd love to display.
I want to get a picture for my mom. I love her more than anything in the world. I would like to get my brother and sister along with our pets to take a picture and give it to her on the canvas for christmas. She is such a giving person and I want to give her something I know she will love. Thank you for this opportunity. This would make her christmas the most memborable ever.
id love to make a canvas print for my hubby of my mother in law who passed away oct 28th
following on twitter klp1965
Thank you for the giveaway! I have made photobooks of road trips, and a big print of a picture I took in Italy, and a few tshirts for people, but I am going to have to make a mug someday for my husband, it's inevitable!
I would get the canvas wrap picture of my family! I love it!
So many family photos from this summer that I would love to print!
I'd love to win this prize, thanks for sponsoring this.
i follow blog!
I would like to make a photobook of my nephew's first year for my mom.
I'm following you in Google Friend Connect!
I'm following you on Twitter. My twitter name is @ThriftyJinxy
Following... I would love to have prints of my 15 month old son to hang in our home... and make things like coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. to give as gifts!
I just had photos taken of my daughters so I'd definitely get a canvas print of them!
I would love to get a large photo of my three dogs! They are such a big part of the family and have no big pictures in the house!
Great Contest!
I'm making photo books for several family members and would love to do a canvas print of the kids for my mom. My husband would love a canvas print of his car - I just have to figure out where to hang it!
I'm a subscriber.
I have your button on my left sidebar.
It'd be nice to print out some of my better photos from my friend's wedding - since she still doesn't have her official ones - and place them in a photobook.
I would want to print a pic of our whole family including my dad, he passed away in June, so this would be great for my mom!
I'd love a canvas print of the family vacation photo.
ktgonyea at gmail.com
a family picture.
a picture of all the grandkids for Nana and Papa
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