It is a super gorgeous weekend here in Iowa. Unfortunately, I will be spending a large amount of time inside.
As I have mentioned before, I grew up going to flea markets and antique shows. When I was in high school, my mom started promoting and running her own shows. She still runs 3 antique shows per year. This happens to be one of those weekends.
So today my family helped set up the tables, set up my mom's booth, and basically get ready for the show. Tommorrow we will start early with checking in dealers and handling problems. When the show opens at 9 am , we take admission and help run my mom's booth. Finally at 3 pm , we get to pack everything up and go home.
So today my family helped set up the tables, set up my mom's booth, and basically get ready for the show. Tommorrow we will start early with checking in dealers and handling problems. When the show opens at 9 am , we take admission and help run my mom's booth. Finally at 3 pm , we get to pack everything up and go home.
It is an exhausting weekend! My mom does this and she is over 70 years old! It is not my favorite activity but what are you going to do, it's family!
The nice thing is that my two kids learn to sell, take admission, and handle customer compliants. We don't use cash registers so they have to figure out the money in their head or write it down. It is the old school way but you really learn how to calculate those numbers.
I hope everyone else has a great weekend too!
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