Friday, January 21, 2011

Free Coupons Email Campaign 1/21

This is the first day of my email coupon campaign. I will be emailing companies every day to try to get coupons. I will be posting the link to the companies email so you can join in. There is no guarantee that we will get coupons but hopefully we will receive some. I decided to do an email campaign so I don't waste money on postage.

I have a "form letter" below to help you. Remember to try to include personal feedback about the companies products.

Dear (Company Name)

I wanted to let you know that I (love/hate/never tried) your (product name). I feel this way because ( give personal reason).

I (will/won't) be purchasing your product in the future. (you can ask for coupons her if you want to - usually they send coupons even if you don't ask)

Thanks for listening,
(Your full name and address)

So here are my companies for today:

I will give updates on any coupons that I receive. Good luck to all !!


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